33 products were found matching your search for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI in 3 shops:
Beyond BIOS : Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.35 $This book provides an overview of modern boot firmware, including the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (Uefi) and its associated Efi Developer Kit Ii (Edkii) firmware. The authors have each made significant contributions to developments in these areas. The reader will learn to use the latest developments in Uefi on modern hardware, including open source firmware and open hardware designs. The book begins with an exploration of interfaces exposed to higher-level software and operating systems, and commences to the left of the boot timeline, describing the flow of typical systems, beginning with the machine restart event. Software engineers working with Uefi will benefit greatly from this book, while specific sections of the book address topics relevant for a general audience: system architects, pre-operating-system application developers, operating system vendors (loader, kernel), independent hardware vendors (such as for plug-in adapters), and developers of end-user applications. As a secondary audience, project technical leaders or managers may be interested in this book to get a feel for what their engineers are doing. The reader will find: * An overview of Uefi and underlying Platform Initialization (Pi) specifications * How to create Uefi applications and drivers * Workflow to design the firmware solution for a modern platform * Advanced usages of Uefi firmware for security and manageability
Beyond BIOS: Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface 2nd Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.93 $In Beyond BIOS: Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface the authors have updated the successful first edition to include the latest UEFI specifications and have expanded the scope of the book to include support of embedded and SOC platform designs. "In just a few days, a programmer familiar with C should have a good understanding of how to get started writing UEFI drivers and applications. For those who haven't developed PC BIOS firmware, Beyond BIOS 2nd Edition presents an opportunity to ramp up on the industry standard firmware platform for PCs and start writing UEFI apps as they do apps for today's mobile operating systems."- Steve Jones, Chief Technology Officer, Phoenix Technologies Ltd. "...highly recommend this book as a "deep dive" into the UEFI specifications and the flexibility these standards give to those who choose them. This publication is full of practical information and real-world examples for system designers and can empower them to get and keep a competitive edge in their designs. I would like to commend Intel for compiling such a valuable resource."- S. Shankar, President and CEO, American Megatrends Inc. (AMI) "Our customers were able to gain efficiency and time-to-market advantage from legacy BIOS to Framework and EFI... Beyond BIOS 2nd Edition provides an extremely thorough yet lucid explanation of UEFI and PI that should be helpful to anyone that wants to understand or use this modern firmware environment."- Jonathan Joseph, Executive Vice President, lnsyde Software "...I now require my engineers and students to study this book after their initial UEFI firmware training. Experienced engineers will also find this book helpful for providing a quick overview of firmware architecture."- KangKang Shen, CTO, Nanjing Byosoft. Ltd.
Beyond BIOS: Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface 2nd Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.99 $In Beyond BIOS: Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface the authors have updated the successful first edition to include the latest UEFI specifications and have expanded the scope of the book to include support of embedded and SOC platform designs. "In just a few days, a programmer familiar with C should have a good understanding of how to get started writing UEFI drivers and applications. For those who haven't developed PC BIOS firmware, Beyond BIOS 2nd Edition presents an opportunity to ramp up on the industry standard firmware platform for PCs and start writing UEFI apps as they do apps for today's mobile operating systems."- Steve Jones, Chief Technology Officer, Phoenix Technologies Ltd. "...highly recommend this book as a "deep dive" into the UEFI specifications and the flexibility these standards give to those who choose them. This publication is full of practical information and real-world examples for system designers and can empower them to get and keep a competitive edge in their designs. I would like to commend Intel for compiling such a valuable resource."- S. Shankar, President and CEO, American Megatrends Inc. (AMI) "Our customers were able to gain efficiency and time-to-market advantage from legacy BIOS to Framework and EFI... Beyond BIOS 2nd Edition provides an extremely thorough yet lucid explanation of UEFI and PI that should be helpful to anyone that wants to understand or use this modern firmware environment."- Jonathan Joseph, Executive Vice President, lnsyde Software "...I now require my engineers and students to study this book after their initial UEFI firmware training. Experienced engineers will also find this book helpful for providing a quick overview of firmware architecture."- KangKang Shen, CTO, Nanjing Byosoft. Ltd.
Beyond Bios: Implementing the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface with Intel's Framework
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.48 $Book by Vincent Zimmer, Michael Rothman, Robert Hale
Beyond BIOS : Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.05 $This book provides an overview of modern boot firmware, including the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (Uefi) and its associated Efi Developer Kit Ii (Edkii) firmware. The authors have each made significant contributions to developments in these areas. The reader will learn to use the latest developments in Uefi on modern hardware, including open source firmware and open hardware designs. The book begins with an exploration of interfaces exposed to higher-level software and operating systems, and commences to the left of the boot timeline, describing the flow of typical systems, beginning with the machine restart event. Software engineers working with Uefi will benefit greatly from this book, while specific sections of the book address topics relevant for a general audience: system architects, pre-operating-system application developers, operating system vendors (loader, kernel), independent hardware vendors (such as for plug-in adapters), and developers of end-user applications. As a secondary audience, project technical leaders or managers may be interested in this book to get a feel for what their engineers are doing. The reader will find: * An overview of Uefi and underlying Platform Initialization (Pi) specifications * How to create Uefi applications and drivers * Workflow to design the firmware solution for a modern platform * Advanced usages of Uefi firmware for security and manageability
Beyond Bios: Implementing the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface with Intel's Framework
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.07 $Book by Vincent Zimmer, Michael Rothman, Robert Hale
Hardware/ Firmware Interface Design : Best Practices for Improving Embedded Systems Development
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.15 $Why care about hardware/firmware interaction? These interfaces are critical, a solid hardware design married with adaptive firmware can access all the capabilities of an application and overcome limitations caused by poor communication. For the first time, a book has come along that will help hardware engineers and firmware engineers work together to mitigate or eliminate problems that occur when hardware and firmware are not optimally compatible. Solving these issues will save time and money, getting products to market sooner to create more revenue.The principles and best practices presented in this book will prove to be a valuable resource for both hardware and firmware engineers. Topics include register layout, interrupts, timing and performance, aborts, and errors. Real world cases studies will help to solidify the principles and best practices with an aim towards cleaner designs, shorter schedules, and better implementation!Reduce product development delays with the best practices in this bookConcepts apply to ASICs, ASSPs, SoCs, and FPGAsReal-world examples and case studies highlight the good and bad of design processes
MOTU MTPAV USB MIDI interface ROM Chip firmware version 1.1
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.95 $MTPAV USB MIDI interface ROM Chip firmware version 1.1
Hardware/Firmware Interface Design : Best Practices for Improving Embedded Systems Development [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.65 $Why care about hardware/firmware interaction? These interfaces are critical, a solid hardware design married with adaptive firmware can access all the capabilities of an application and overcome limitations caused by poor communication. For the first time, a book has come along that will help hardware engineers and firmware engineers work together to mitigate or eliminate problems that occur when hardware and firmware are not optimally compatible. Solving these issues will save time and money, getting products to market sooner to create more revenue.The principles and best practices presented in this book will prove to be a valuable resource for both hardware and firmware engineers. Topics include register layout, interrupts, timing and performance, aborts, and errors. Real world cases studies will help to solidify the principles and best practices with an aim towards cleaner designs, shorter schedules, and better implementation!Reduce product development delays with the best practices in this bookConcepts apply to ASICs, ASSPs, SoCs, and FPGAsReal-world examples and case studies highlight the good and bad of design processes
Cisco Systems VoIP: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express: A Hands-On Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $The author introduces the essentials of Cisco Call Manager Express. Clearly and consistently guides you toward the functional VoIP solution. Carefully selected command line interface configuration tasks build the VoIP network with multiple services. Configuration tasks are presented in side by side multi-protocol (SCCP/SIP) fashion. All the configuration tasks are fully solved with instructions, hints and with the minimal hardware requirements in mind.A hands-on approach makes this book an ideal study material for students, administrators and networking enthusiasts with at least introductory IT and networking experience. The author assumes no specialized background in networking. In the first chapter the author explains preliminaries and essentials for those who need it.
Interfaces in Materials. Atomic Structure, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Solid–Vapor, Solid–Liquid and Solid–Solid Interfaces
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 167.37 $A thorough exploration of the atomic structures and properties ofthe essential engineering interfaces--an invaluable resourcefor students, teachers, and professionals The most up-to-date, accessible guide to solid-vapor,solid-liquid, and solid-solid phase transformations, thisinnovative book contains the only unified treatment of these threecentral engineering interfaces. Employing a simple nearest-neighborbroken-bond model, Interfaces in Materials focuses on metal alloysin a straightforward approach that can be easily extended to alltypes of interfaces and materials. Enhanced with nearly 300illustrations, along with extensive references and suggestions forfurther reading, this book provides: * A simple, cohesive approach to understanding the atomicstructure and properties of interfaces formed between solid,liquid, and vapor phases * Self-contained discussions of each interface--allowingseparate study of each phase transformation * A comparative look at the different interfaces, includingatomic structure and crystallography; anisotropy, roughening, andmelting; interfacial stability and segregation; continuous andledge growth models; and atomistic modeling * An analysis of nearest-neighbor broken-bond results againstthermodynamic and kinetic descriptions of the interfaces * Problem sets at the end of each chapter, emphasizing the keyconcepts detailed in the text Spanning the fields of chemical, electrical and computerengineering, materials science, solid-state physics, andmicroscopy, Interfaces in Materials bridges a major gap in theliterature of surface and interface science.
Presuppositions and Pronouns (Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, 3)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.96 $In this volume, Geurts takes discourse representation theory (DRT), and turns it into a unified account of anaphora and presupposition, which he applies not only to the standard problem cases but also to the interpretation of modal expressions, attitude reports, and proper names. The resulting theory, for all its simplicity, is without doubt the most comprehensive of its kind to date.The central idea underlying Geurts' 'binding theory' of presupposition is that anaphora is just a special case of presupposition projection. But this is only one of the ways in which the concept of presupposition is taken beyond its traditional limits. Geurts shows, furthermore, that presupposition projection is crucially involved in several phenomena that are not usually viewed in presuppositional terms, such as modal subordination, de re readings of attitude reports, and rigid designation.While making his case for DRT and the binding theory, Geurts also presents an incisive analysis of what is probably still the most influential account of presupposition, viz. the satisfaction theory, demonstrating that there are fundamental problems not only with this theory but with the very framework in which it is couched.
Interfaces in Materials : Atomic Structure, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Solid-Vapor, Solid-Liquid and Solid-Solid Interfaces
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 278.34 $A thorough exploration of the atomic structures and properties ofthe essential engineering interfaces--an invaluable resourcefor students, teachers, and professionals The most up-to-date, accessible guide to solid-vapor,solid-liquid, and solid-solid phase transformations, thisinnovative book contains the only unified treatment of these threecentral engineering interfaces. Employing a simple nearest-neighborbroken-bond model, Interfaces in Materials focuses on metal alloysin a straightforward approach that can be easily extended to alltypes of interfaces and materials. Enhanced with nearly 300illustrations, along with extensive references and suggestions forfurther reading, this book provides: * A simple, cohesive approach to understanding the atomicstructure and properties of interfaces formed between solid,liquid, and vapor phases * Self-contained discussions of each interface--allowingseparate study of each phase transformation * A comparative look at the different interfaces, includingatomic structure and crystallography; anisotropy, roughening, andmelting; interfacial stability and segregation; continuous andledge growth models; and atomistic modeling * An analysis of nearest-neighbor broken-bond results againstthermodynamic and kinetic descriptions of the interfaces * Problem sets at the end of each chapter, emphasizing the keyconcepts detailed in the text Spanning the fields of chemical, electrical and computerengineering, materials science, solid-state physics, andmicroscopy, Interfaces in Materials bridges a major gap in theliterature of surface and interface science.
Presuppositions and Pronouns: 3 (Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface) [Hardcover] Geurts, Bart
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.69 $In this volume, Geurts takes discourse representation theory (DRT), and turns it into a unified account of anaphora and presupposition, which he applies not only to the standard problem cases but also to the interpretation of modal expressions, attitude reports, and proper names. The resulting theory, for all its simplicity, is without doubt the most comprehensive of its kind to date.The central idea underlying Geurts' 'binding theory' of presupposition is that anaphora is just a special case of presupposition projection. But this is only one of the ways in which the concept of presupposition is taken beyond its traditional limits. Geurts shows, furthermore, that presupposition projection is crucially involved in several phenomena that are not usually viewed in presuppositional terms, such as modal subordination, de re readings of attitude reports, and rigid designation.While making his case for DRT and the binding theory, Geurts also presents an incisive analysis of what is probably still the most influential account of presupposition, viz. the satisfaction theory, demonstrating that there are fundamental problems not only with this theory but with the very framework in which it is couched.
Poetry Therapy: Interface of the Arts and Psychology (Innovations in Psychology Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.93 $Building on the American Psychological Association tradition of the arts and psychology, this book addresses the therapeutic aspects and clinical use of metaphor, narrative, journal writing, storytelling, bibliotherapy, poetry, and the related arts. Based on clinical theory and romantic philosophy, a unified poetry therapy practice model is presented that combines the use of literature in therapy, creative expression, and symbols/rituals. Poetry therapy has been formally recognized for approximately thirty years and practiced worldwide with a wide range of clients and in numerous settings including hospitals, hospices, mental health centers, family service agencies, addiction centers, schools, nursing homes, and correctional settings.Poetry Therapy: Interface of the Arts and Psychology is organized along three dimensions: 1) Theory and practice of poetry therapy covering individual, family and group modalities 2) Use of poetry therapy along developmental markers with specific attention to abused children, battered women, suicidal adolescents, and the elderly, and 3) Research and professional development including credentialing, building resources, and education/training.
Unknown Martin 91616091
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 525.00 $Martin Companion is the unified firmware upload tool compatible with all Martin lighting fixtures for maximal ease of use. The Martin Companion app...
Allen & Heath Allen & Heath QU-16C Mixer
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 1,799.00 $ (+100.00 $)Key Features Chrome Knobs & Faders + Updated Firmware Touchscreen Interface 16 Mic/Line Inputs and 3x Stereo Inputs Motorized 100mm Fade...
TC Helicon GoXLR Mini
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 120.00 $Great streamer and YouTube recording interface. Will include USB Cable and Original Packaging. Updated with most current firmware.
2022 Merging Technologies Anubis PRO
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 1,895.00 $ (+50.00 $)Merging Technologies Anubis PRO AD DA multi interface, latest firmware w/caseComes in original Merging boxUnit is PERFECT, case has a couple dimple...
Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.97 $Rootkits and Bootkits will teach you how to understand and counter sophisticated, advanced threats buried deep in a machine’s boot process or UEFI firmware.With the aid of numerous case studies and professional research from three of the world’s leading security experts, you’ll trace malware development over time from rootkits like TDL3 to present-day UEFI implants and examine how they infect a system, persist through reboot, and evade security software. As you inspect and dissect real malware, you’ll learn:· How Windows boots—including 32-bit, 64-bit, and UEFI mode—and where to find vulnerabilities· The details of boot process security mechanisms like Secure Boot, including an overview of Virtual Secure Mode (VSM) and Device Guard · Reverse engineering and forensic techniques for analyzing real malware, including bootkits like Rovnix/Carberp, Gapz, TDL4, and the infamous rootkits TDL3 and Festi· How to perform static and dynamic analysis using emulation and tools like Bochs and IDA Pro · How to better understand the delivery stage of threats against BIOS and UEFI firmware in order to create detection capabilities· How to use virtualization tools like VMware Workstation to reverse engineer bootkits and the Intel Chipsec tool to dig into forensic analysisCybercrime syndicates and malicious actors will continue to write ever more persistent and covert attacks, but the game is not lost. Explore the cutting edge of malware analysis with Rootkits and Bootkits. Covers boot processes for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
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